Take your Real Estate contact presentations to the next level with MLS Area focused data.
Show your clients actual home values with current area-level MLS data. REDAGraph aggregates data at the MLS area level to give the user (and your clients!) a clearer picture of the current trends. Without REDAGraph, MLS data at the zip code level is often skewed by wide price ranges.
REDAGraph provides a secure web and mobile application to deliver Real Estate Data Analytics for specific MLS Areas using graphs, data reports, and MS PowerPoint Presentations. You can even schedule reports for automatic delivery to your inbox using the Report Schedule feature.
Reports designed for easy interpretation.
MLS Data Analytics
REDAGraph uses your current MLS area data, not simple comps collected last year.
Secure Applications
Provides a secure MS Azure cloud-hosted web and mobile application to deliver Real Estate Data Analytics graphs and reports.
Show, email, or text our easy-to-understand graphs and reports directly to your clients from your mobile device.
Customer Service
REDAGraph can provide training to improve agents' adoption rates and increase their client engagements.
© 2023 by REDAGraph
1306 N. 14th Street
Wolfforth, TX 79382